Greetings from the 2009 edition of Becky's travels. I missed the boat with my Denver vacation-- I never got things posted. However, for our quick family trip this year, I resolve to rekindle the blog. This year's adventure takes us to Lake Erie. We're now in Port Clinton, Ohio. It's a little town, just to the west of Sandusky.
Tonight we drove into Sandusky and decided to see a movie. It's pretty hot and sticky here- the air-conditioning in the theater felt good. We saw 'The Proposal ' with Sandra Bullock. It was actually pretty funny. Betty White was the surprise show-stealer. Tonight's plan was just to get here and meander-- getting the lay of the land.
It's beautiful here- the lake is just across the street. When we drove inot Sandusky, we crossed over the bay and could see Cedar Point in the distance. However, with June and the lake come the creatures from the blue lagoon-- mayflies. Have you ever seen these puppies? It's like an alien invasion. They swarm to the lights and cover the surfaces of buildings and cars. Supposedly they're harmless, but let's discuss how this girl doesn't want to find out. A few years ago, I drove through swarms of these crusty creatures on the way home for Detroit. I dared to exit the car to get gas-- and I was instantly covered. Repulsive. They turn out street lights and store signs because these little buggers can conduct electricity and cause a host of problems, from car accidents to power outages.
So, I'll work on my strategy for fending off the pests tomorrow night-- more to come tomorrow. Good night!